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Why do Balloons Fly?

Why do balloons fly?
Why do balloons fly?

In this article, we are going to discuss about Balloons Fly. The Archimedes force, or buoyant force, acts not only in liquids (for example, water), but also in gases (for example, air). But due to the fact that the density of air (1.29 kg / m 3 ) is much less than that of water (1000 kg / m 3 ), the buoyancy force is negligible here.

That is why many objects do not float in the air as they do in water. The force of gravity acting on the body is stronger than the buoyant force of air.

However, as in water, the more volume a body occupies with a constant mass, that is, the more its average density decreases, the more buoyant force will act on it.

In addition, there are gases whose density is less than that of air. These are hydrogen and helium. Also, the air itself expands when heated, and its density decreases.

If you fill a balloon with a lighter-than-air gas, the buoyant force of the air will lift it up. But since the buoyant force of the air is not great, the material of the ball has a noticeable mass, and baskets with people and other loads are attached to the balls, the balls themselves must be huge. They must contain enough lighter gas to fill a large volume so that the buoyant force acting on this volume exceeds the weight of the entire balloon.

Currently, flying balloons are usually filled with helium, since it does not burn like hydrogen, therefore it is safe. Previously, balloons were filled with heated air. Under the ball was a burner. The level of fire in it could regulate the height to which the ball would rise.

Air with height becomes more rarefied, i.e. less dense. Therefore, balloons cannot rise high.

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