
Examples of Quantum Physics

We explain that what are examples of Quantum Physics? The quantum physics is the branch of physics that is responsible for the study of the phenomena occurring in matter at the microscopic level. When matter has a dimension of approximately one thousand atoms, the observed behavior of matter is very peculiar, since it is in constant motion.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is one of the foundations of quantum physics , which arises to explain this behavior of matter that was not possible using the laws of classical physics.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is based on two postulates that are:

It is not possible to know exactly the position of a particle at an instant of time, but it is possible to know the probability that said particle is in a place at a given moment.

The particles exchange energy with each other in a minimum amount possible, or integer multiples of that amount which is called a quantum.

Examples of quantum physics

The energy at the atomic level passes from one particle to another in a discrete way, unlike the bodies that are visible which exchange energy continuously.

In quantum physics, matter has a duality and can behave as a particle or as a wave, in classical mechanics this is not the case.

Using the Friedmann diagram it is possible to know the position and velocity of a particle at an instant, but with that information it is not possible to determine with respect to a previous or subsequent instant, this is possible in classical physics where knowing the position and the speed of a body at a given time, it is possible to know information about its position and speed before and after.

In quantum physics the concept of reference frames has no place given the uncertainty that exists with respect to the position and velocity of the particles in time.

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