
Examples of Heat Conduction

We express that what are the examples of heat conduction? with definition, thermal conductivity, examples of thermal conductivities, heat Conductors and heat Insulators…Lets Read Physics..

Examples of Heat Conduction

The Heat Conduction is the heat transfer mechanism in which energy is transported through a solid material, from the end of higher temperature to the lower temperature.

Simple Heat Conduction Experiment-min

The heat is the energy transfer occurring from a point having higher temperature to a point having lower temperature. This energy is given by the kinetic energy of the particles at both points.

The process of transferring this energy will begin when bodies or points of different temperatures come into contact , and will stop when thermal equilibrium has been reached , that is, when all the particles between both points have exactly the same energy, and don’t have that tendency or need to give it up.

Thermal Conductivity examples of heat conduction

Thermal conductivity is the property of matter that indicates how much it is capable of conducting heat . It is a constant made up of a number and a group of units, and it is determined experimentally. It is represented by the Greek letter lambda “λ” and its units are “W / m K”.

By definition, Conductivity is the amount of Energy per second (Watts W) that can be transferred for each unit of distance (meter m) and for each degree of temperature (Kelvin K).

Materials that have the highest thermal conductivity are the best Conductors.

Examples of thermal conductivities are:

Gold (Au): 317 W / m * K

Silver (Ag): 429 W / m * K

Copper (Cu): 400 W / m * K

Tungsten (W): 174 W / m * K

Zinc (Zn): 116 W / m * K

Heat Conductors examples of heat conduction

The material that is capable of transferring heat energy is called Heat Conductive Material . The best conductors of heat are Metals , so all the containers used for cooking, distilling, evaporating and melting are completely metallic, to better concentrate that transfer of energy towards the content on which it is going to act.

Another application of Heat conductors is the manufacture of electrical resistances , made up of a metal spiral that will be heated uniformly with the passage of an electrical current.

One more case of Heat Conduction is presented in the phenomenon of Thermal Expansion of metals . A metal bar that is heated at one end will transport energy between its particles, taking it towards the coldest ones. The resulting agitation will cause them to cover a slightly larger space.

Examples of Good Heat Conductors are Copper, Silver, Gold, Iron, Steel, Tungsten, Zinc, Aluminum.

Metals are good conductors of heat

Heat Insulators examples of heat conduction

Materials that do not conduct heat are called Thermal Insulators , and they prevent heat energy from passing from one point to another.

This property is used in the construction of homes, since heat can be better conserved during winter seasons. The walls are filled with these materials and the goal is achieved. Heat is prevented from passing from the inside to the outside.

Another similar purpose is found in the Styrofoam coolers, capable of protecting cold food so that it does not rot so quickly. The insulating material prevents outside heat from damaging the quality and temperature of the food. Shellfish are the foods that benefit the most from the use of insulation.

Examples of heat insulators are cork, wool, glass, wood, air, paper, Styrofoam or polystyrene, fabric, latex.

Unicel is a Non-Conductor of Heat

Examples of Heat Conduction

A metal bar that is heated at one end will transport energy between its particles, taking it towards the coldest ones.

Copper stills are heated at the base. The liquid content will quickly reach its Boiling Point, and the most volatile part will evaporate. This more volatile part, which are generally alcohols, will condense in a later part of the process.

The plates carry an electrical resistance, which is a metal arranged in a spiral. Electric current will circulate there, and thanks to its electrical resistance, the metal will heat up to an operating temperature, useful for leaving clothes without wrinkles.

In the domestic sphere, a metal pot or frying pan is placed in the stoves, which will serve to transfer the heat of the flame to the food, and make it turn into complete saucers.

In cast iron pans, the container is brought to very high temperatures, and heat will be transferred to the metal that will be melted. The metal receives it uniformly until it reaches a liquid and moldable state.

Examples of thermal conductivity

Gold (Au): 317 W / m * K

Silver (Ag): 429 W / m * K

Copper (Cu): 400 W / m * K

Tungsten (W): 174 W / m * K

Zinc (Zn): 116 W / m * K

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