
Examples of Uniform Rectilinear Motion

We explain the uniform rectilinear motion examples. According to Newton’s First Law of Classical Mechanics, or Law of Inertia, every particle maintains its state of rest or of Uniform Rectilinear Motion as long as a force is not applied to make it change its state, or the sum of the forces acting on it are nullified.

The characteristics of the Uniform Rectilinear Motion are: that the particle has a constant speed, as the speed is a vector, the above means that the particle must always maintain the same direction and speed and does not present any acceleration.

Some forces always act on a particle, whether in motion or at rest, such as: gravity, friction of air, water or surface, depending on where these forces move, the speed is always affected either in direction, in magnitude or both.

To see a particle with this type of movement, one would have to put it in an environment free of these forces, or make the sum of them cancel each other out.

To calculate the speed of a particle in Uniform Rectilinear Motion, first its speed or vector magnitude is determined, which is the ratio of the distance traveled per unit of time, for example: 5 m / s, which means that 5 meters are traveled in 1 second and expressed as follows: v = d / t

For the speed to be completely defined, a direction must be assigned, for example: 5 m / s towards the South.

Examples of Uniform Rectilinear Motion

In outer space if a particle were launched, it would continue in its Uniform Rectilinear Motion until it encounters a force that makes it change direction, or magnitude.

If an object is thrown on a layer of ice, it will follow a Uniform Rectilinear Motion since the friction of the ice on the object is so small that it can be considered zero in a short period of time.

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